Sandhill Cranes IV
I had planned my trip to Bosque Del Apache to coincide with a full moon for the intent to get this exact shot. No composite, it all one image.
I had planned my trip to Bosque Del Apache to coincide with a full moon for the intent to get this exact shot. No composite, it all one image.
I had planned my trip to Bosque Del Apache to coincide with a full moon for the intent to get this exact shot. No composite, it all one image.
Three Sandhill Cranes glide gracefully in formation at sunset, the sky ablaze with hues of orange and pink. As they fly, the full moon rises behind them, casting a serene glow. Their synchronized wing beats create a harmonious rhythm, guiding them towards the safety of the wetlands for the night. The tranquil scene captures the beauty of nature's choreography, as these majestic birds navigate their journey. With the wetlands in sight, they prepare to descend, knowing the protected environment will offer them refuge and rest until the dawn of a new day.