White Umbrella (In Black and White)
One day while scouting Havana for potential photography locations I saw this woman dress all in white with a painted flat backdrop behind her. Read below the symbolism of her dress.
One day while scouting Havana for potential photography locations I saw this woman dress all in white with a painted flat backdrop behind her. Read below the symbolism of her dress.
One day while scouting Havana for potential photography locations I saw this woman dress all in white with a painted flat backdrop behind her. Read below the symbolism of her dress.
Cuban women wearing white from head to toe often signify their association with Santería, a syncretic religion blending African traditions with Catholicism. This attire, including white dresses and sometimes turbans, symbolizes purity and devotion during religious ceremonies and rituals honoring Orishas (deities). It's a visual expression of spiritual alignment and reverence, reflecting deep cultural roots and beliefs in Cuba's diverse religious landscape.