Royal Take Off
This image of a Crown Crane was made at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. It had just launched itself from a perch at the Benbough Amphitheater.
This image of a Crown Crane was made at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. It had just launched itself from a perch at the Benbough Amphitheater.
This image of a Crown Crane was made at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. It had just launched itself from a perch at the Benbough Amphitheater.
The Crowned Crane, also known as the Grey Crowned Crane (Balearica regulorum), is a striking bird native to Africa. Distinguished by its golden, crown-like head feathers, it is a symbol of elegance and grace. Found in wetlands, grasslands, and cultivated lands, this crane is known for its elaborate courtship dances, involving synchronized moves and impressive leaps. The Crowned Crane is omnivorous, feeding on plants, seeds, insects, and small vertebrates. Despite being adaptable, its population is declining due to habitat loss and human disturbance. Conservation efforts are essential to protect this majestic species and its natural habitats.